#songbender part 51 – The Future Sound of London – We Have Explosive
Welcome back, imaginary lady and that half of a gentleman that reads this!
So we’re going back to FSOL. Oh yes we are. And there’s a reason for it. In fact, the most practical one is that this is one of the “weird” youtube videos that don’t have any author, any description, NOTHING, basically, at least on my end. They might have on yours, which is fine, but this is very weird, i must admit.
But the song is, well, yeah. This whole album is a masterpiece, starting from the first track, and you can immediately sense why Prodigy became what it became. There was a NEED for this kinda stuff back then. And this particular song was one of the extreme ones, and back in my day, when i was young, you know, ah well, WELL, the video was something to behold. It was ART, in the most serious sense. And it still holds up, and I have to admit, I chose this one just now because of some recent events, that somebody (be that a supposed 15 year old (yeah right), or government people (more likely) or russian cocksuckers (even more likely)) have imposed threats on schools in various eastern european countries, making life so much harder for ordinary citizens, for their quest in, what i believe, is MONEY? what else would it be. It’s money, every time.
And the fuckers who run this shit show over here, have no other priority than money, the most money, the best money, every MONEY there ever is or ever was, and to OWN, they want to OWN EVERYTHING and everyone and ALL there is.
So anyway, let’s not focus on these pathetic asswipes, but rather on the song itself. This is GLITCH as you NEED IT, and those who know me know very well that there is nothing better than having a little bita erica by my side, no wait, so something that is NOISE that is periodic and rhytmic, and gives meaning to NOISE, honestly, this shit is HARD YO. Believe me.
To make a constant good sounding crap of something that is uniquely NOISE, that’s not easy, you know?
I covered FSOL already in this series, i think it was My Kingdom, and this was from this same album. That one was more melodic, and the video was mindblowing – this here is different, though the video is also a piece of art, as i said already, and was very much uncommon back in those days. The video version of the song is a little bit different (shorter, different structure), but this is once again something you need to take your time to get accustomed to. You will not like this for the first time – well you may, of course, which is good, but if you come back to it for the 20th time, i PROMISE you you will find stuff in it you never heard before.
This is the beauty of proper electronics, and the biggest example will always be the holy trinity of Shpongle, Ott and Orbital, for me, at least – you THINK you’ve heard everything – well, think again, my friend.
So let’s have this one as number 51 in out series, just for that fkin noise sample that is used as a snare drum. When was the last time you DARED to use a noise sample as the snare drum?
it’s not in fkin pop music!
it’s not in hiphop (though sometimes it’s close, but that shit is boring for other reasons)
it’s not anywhere, and i’m so glad, though. let’s keep it that way.
I honestly encourage all of you to check this whole album out, it’s an absolute JOURNEY, and it is the (almost) peak of 90s electronica (can’t be the peak, unfortunately Orbital has taken that, sorry), but i mean, FSOL is something else. It’s an unknown GEM. If you resonate with it, good for you, check it out, you won’t be disappointed. If you are too busy, well, then why listen to anything, radio was made for you my friend. Hah.
Ok, I kid.
Thanks for tuning in this time. Make sure to tune in next time as well, I already have something special planned for no52.
Oh and check the album version too, it’s twice as long and way better than the one made for the pop-audience, which is the music video, but hey, ordinary people’s attention span is exactly what it is. blech. screw them.