#songbender part 52 – Vinyl Syndicate – Man of Steal
Welcome back deer people to another episode of stuff that nobody gives a living crap about, except for me, but that’s ok.
Let me start with a mysterious note of “I TOLD YOU SO” which of course means nothing and is in no way connected to myself or my own stuff or my next album that actually noone knows if it’s even going to arrive or whatever, so yeah, i referred to this the last time that 52 is a special number, and those who know me would immediately come to the (wrong) conclusion, haha, this has nothing to do with RL52, its somehow only that the label put this number on it, and i just happened to see it the other day.
So let’s get to it before anything else. (which is again a reference, OMG KYLE THIS IS SO DEEP RIGHT HERE) yeah yeah. So I’m sure there are people who do this stuff, like, compiling oldschool DnB as it is now history and “look dear visitors, on the right hand side you can see the primitive tools and methods used by people from 30 years ago, made from bones and stone and animal parts” “OMG do you see that Timmy? this is how DEAD people used to think music makes sense! AHAHAHAH they were sooooo primitive!!! there are no people doing copulative moves in it and it does not rely on hundreds’ years of cliches and so-called HOOKS that our CURRENT and MODERN taste, which is SO MUCH BETTER, dignifies as something valuable! I mean, if it’s not on the radio 84 times a day, can it even be considered a song? RIGHT? Hahahah, these people, i mean.
So yes. And before you say anything, let me slap you in the face with the fact that this piece is from CANADA
You know, the 51st US state, as it stands right now.
But back in those days it was all different. I already had a song from Toronto, apparently there used to be a great dnb scene there (look up a post from a well known and recognized author on the subject)
So i have no idea what actually went on there, what I know is, that in my own stupid country in those days, this was one of the highlights of every single DnB event. And there used to be DnB events like that, thanks Apu (DJ Palotai) (may he rest in peace) and Palika (Cadik), in Klinika Mozi and all other places, oh man, those were the days. Just the idea of going somewhere (not in a 2M metropolis but in a 200k crappy town) where you would find a place where you can sit down, enjoy a drink or 8, and there’s top-notch dnb in the background, i’d kill for a place like that today. No wonder it’s gone. hah.
This used to be a highlight of a party in those times, and for a good reason. I think we all recognize the Superman theme, no wonder the title is Man of STEAL, and there’s a subtle wink for ya, yes, it’s written like that for a reason, I don’t think they actually got permission for it, but, honestly (and i’m the same way with my own stuff), does it actually do any bad to the IP? Does it make people think LESS of the franchise, or the author or the actors or the whatever? I think it’s quite the opposite, and there are so many things in this world that are getting worse, but copyright and that whole load of shit (and money) behind it is only getting worse. There’s no such thing as “tribute” anymore, which is so FUCKING sad.
Well then, I don’t think i have to go into detail on what the song is about. It’s not that complicated. But there’s one thing i want to call your attention to. I don’t know what kinda stuff you are listening to this on, but if it’s good enough, you can recognize there are at least 3 levels of BASS in this whole thing. And no wonder, it’s in the genre’s name, for fuck’s sake. But this thing was made for the dancefloor, and for PA’s that can handle sub-s, and can handle volume. So just go and imagine this shit screaming at you on top volume in a club where the bass is so heavy it rattles your fucking lungs. Yes, it used to be like that. And this is why this used to be one of the biggest club tracks of all time in dnb, even though it’s considered jump-up (i’ve talked about this before) and it’s not the overcomplicated techstep kinda shit that came after that – this was the peak of times.
And i hope that now you know.
Thanks for reading if you have, and i await you back for the next one.